Alright, folks. We are on the homestretch for raising funds to go pick up Abigail from Bulgaria. We don't know our exact travel dates yet, but it is likely we will be traveling as early as August 14th. Because of some circumstances beyond our control, we may end up needing to stay in country for two weeks instead of the standard one. Nothing is definite yet, but we need to plan for the contingency and expenses of two weeks in country. What exactly are these expenses? you might ask. Well, here is an estimated breakdown:
Airfare - $5,000
In-country adoption agency fees, translators/drivers, and accommodations - $2,100
In-country personal expenses (food, items needed for Abigail, unexpected emergencies fund) - $1,000
Abigail's VISA - $404
Final payment to English Tutor for Abigail - $300
Total: $8,804
We have about $4,800 of this amount already saved up, so we are asking for people to help us fundraise the final $4,000 needed.
$4,000 in 2 and a half weeks - that is essentially the airfare cost left. Wow! sounds overwhelming and at times it is. But I know that wherever God leads, he will get us there. If you can help out in any way, that would be awesome.
Short of sending us a check for the airfare (for which we would be totally grateful!), there are many fundraising venues we have running for you to donate funds to our adoption that will also give you something in return (besides a warm fuzzy feeling in your heart).
Looking for a tax deduction for your donation - Check out our Adopt Together page here:
Looking to buy some highly recommended coffee - Our page at Just Love Coffee is the place to go:
Perhaps you want some discounted prices for restaurants - We have a link with CoupAide as well:
Closet looking a little empty, need a new t-shirt, or want to show your support for adoption - Check out our Adoption Bug T-shirt Fundraiser Site here:
We are also selling some collectibles and vintage toys on Etsy here:
and at Ebay here:
You can also link to all of the above using the images to the right on this blog.
Some friends of ours are also helping us do another garage sale next weekend, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 1 - 3, the address is: 740 Fox Run Trail, Saginaw, TX. Come on by!
Thank you SO much for your time in reading this post and considering how you could help us with these final airfare expenses to bring our girl home!
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