So in this post I wanted to advocate for the older children out there that still need a family. It is not just babies and toddlers that are left in need of parents in this world. Often older children are not selected because people feel it is easier to "grow up" with a child before having to deal with teen issues. And perhaps it is. I expect it might be easier. But it is not fault of the child that he/she has been left without parents at age 10 through 16.
So please, if you are considering adoption, think about these older children. If you have friends that are considering adoption, help them change their mindset perhaps on what type of children are adoptable, or send them my way and I can talk to them too.
Here is the latest update we got from Vesta today on our file:
This week the legalization of Art. 5 letter will be done and we will submit it to the Ministry of Justice (MOJ).
MOJ needs a month to prepare the dossier for the final consent of the minister of justice. After the consent is given, the dossier is sent to the court in 3 days.
Due to the change of ministers due to the new government we expect some delays. We will keep you posted.
So anyway folks, that makes earliest possible court date somewhere around June 27th if we are lucky. We are still praying hard for a July pick-up trip, in order to have our girl home before her birthday and before school starts. It seems a bit impossible right now, but I have to believe that with God all things are possible!
Thank you so much for your prayers and support of our adoption. We just have $5,500 left to raise for final airfare and travel expenses.
Glad all is moving along. I know it is all a slow process, but it will all happen right in God's timing. Praying for the three of you.